Mind blowing Quotes on Education

Education is backbone of our life. Our knowledge, thoughts, attitude and character is a direct influence of Education on us. Education is no doubt an important thing and should never be neglected as it forms the base of an individual.

But, today lets see some of the critical aspects of the current education system which is widely debated topic world over. Thinking of it, many questions pops up in our mind like, is the current formal education enough today in ever-changing environment? Will the upcoming generation can be appropriately raised with this current system? Is there a need for change? Is there something more important than education that should be taken to mainstream? Like something which provides more practical knowledge, which helps to enhance the thinking process rather than memorizing a ton of information without stressing students much. Questions are many and we need to answer it.

Today lets see some quotes on education by influential persons, who try to give us a totally different perspective about it and change the way we think!

An educational system isn’t worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn’t teach them how to make a life

Quotes on Education | An educational system isnt worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesnt teach them how to make a life

The sole purpose of Education shouldn’t be to just teach students to make them capable to earn a living. It must be a learning process to make them realize the importance of education and make them ready to face for every stage of life with equal strength. So they learn to tackle every situation efficiently and excel with ease.

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another

Quotes on Education system| Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another

What we do today, learn today is what we are going to pass to next generation. We must make sure we set an example for them by our action. Only if we feel the responsibility then only we could influence others. This is what gets pass from one generation to another and this world will become a better place to live.

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self confidence

Best of Educational Quotes | Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self confidence

Education must be like a yoga, a thing which makes us calm and makes us meet with our real identity. Education must teach us to think and analyze things well, rather then arguing or throwing random tantrums at one another on every topic. We must be a very good listener before we can be a good speaker. It must also teach us to control our anger and make sure we don’t break down in difficult situation.

Education is what remains after you have forgotten everything learned in school

— Albert Einstein

Education is what remains after you have forgotten everything learned in school

This quote on Education by Albert Ensitein implies that education is not something that you have just studied in your school days, it must make a life long impact in your character.

Educations purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one

— Malcolm S. Forbes

Educations purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one

Education purpose is not to just fill our mind with tons of information. It must be able to ignite the thinking process, make us creative and teach us to be curious to find our own answer. We must be able to interpret things around us well, not just blindly follow and accept things as it come our way.

It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense

It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense | Educational Quotes

Education system is a failure, if one is not able to have common sense to think about basic concept, there are people out there with fancy degree who pretend to be well educated and intelligent but fail terribly at practical approach. On the other hand people with minimal education have excelled much ahead of others because of the things they have learned by them self through experience.

My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects

— Robert M. Hutchins

My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects | Quotes on Education

Education must be able to make a person think, analyze and interpret the surrounding. students must be curious, innovative and learn to enhance their thought process and imagination.

The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think – rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.

— Bill Beattie

The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with it

This is a very good self-explanatory quote on education, which must be implemented by every educational institution and people.

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows

— Sydney J. Harris

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows

Making things transparent and nurturing students potential to an optimal level, must be the top priority of every educational system.

I hope you enjoyed reading these quotes on Education system and wish everyone can understand the actual importance and function of it and make changes accordingly in our current system.

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